Thursday, February 09, 2006

Christians and the Environment

I was VERY pleased to see that 86 leaders from throughout Evangelical Christianity have stepped up to the plate to influence governmental change with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and their effect on our planet. Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, and Presidents of dozens of Evangelical Colleges are among the Leaders of the "Evangelical Call to Action."

They've signed a petition, are meeting with Congressional leaders and plan a TV campaign to bring the issue to front-of-mind among Evangelicals who have been slow to analyze the overwhelming scientific evidence on the subject. Finally, some LEADERSHIP on this issue from those of us who see the Planet as a precious gift from our Creator who gave us a command to care for it. See my thoughts here.

The television spot links images of drought, starvation and Hurricane Katrina to global warming. In it, the Rev. Joel Hunter, pastor of a megachurch in Longwood, Fla., says: "As Christians, our faith in Jesus Christ compels us to love our neighbors and to be stewards of God's creation. The good news is that with God's help, we can stop global warming, for our kids, our world and for the Lord."

The mainstream press has been so astonished by this strong voice from the deafening silence that there are multiple articles covering the issue. Here are a few:

New York Times

Not every high-profile Christian leader is on board with the idea, however. Some folks continue to be followers, waiting for Christian opinion to be swayed first, then run ahead of the crowd and declare themselves leaders. A sad state of affairs in my humble opinion.

Richard Land, along with Chuck Colson and James Dobson, wrote a letter opposing the Evangelical Call to Action because, he says, there is not consensus about climate change among evangelicals.

Lead or get out of the way.

What could be a more practical way to obey Jesus' "great commandments" of love for God and love for our neighbor than to lovingly care for God's gift and protect our neighbors and their children from premature death? As I've heard quoted several times in the last week, "people don't care how much you know about God, until they know how much you care about them."

It is SO refreshing to see Christians declare strongly something they are FOR, rather than fixating continuously on all that they are against.

Spring Fever

I didn't get to play Fantasy Camp baseball at the Orioles camp this year due to a neck and ribcage injury sustained in a violent September outfield collision in my Roy Hobbs league. Ouch!

But, we're just one week away from pitchers and catchers reporting to Fort Lauderdale!

To help fill the void I feel from not being able to play in last weeks Orioles Fantasy Camp, I plan to take a week in early March to head to Florida and catch some spring baseball.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Merlyn's Work is Finished

I have shared with you over the past few weeks the last days of my dear friend Merlyn(Authenticity and A Meaningful Life). Last night, 1-31-06, Merlyn died. He truly fought the good fight and kept the faith right to the end of his earthly journey.

I got this note from his loving, loyal wife this morning:

Merlyn finished his race at 11:20 Tues PM (1-31-06). We were surrounding
his bed and cheering him on as he crossed the finish line. He went
peacefully and while we were still awake, just as you had prayed.
Several times before he left us, he smiled, and twice a tear rolled down
his cheek. He was both sorry to leave and glad to go... Please give the
Lord thanks for lovingly granting the desire of our heart. He has cared
for us as a Father cares for His children whom He loves.

I will miss him greatly. He was a faithful friend who never gave up on me even when I was going through difficult times in my life. He was a Christian who truly understood that GRACE is not merely an intellectual Christian Doctrine, but something that must permeate our lives and our relationships daily. So few Christians understand that concept -- Merlyn lived it. As a result, hundreds and hundreds of people have been positively impacted by his life right up to the very last day.

Many years ago, Merlyn and I were discussing a controversial theological issue that was top-of-mind in our church circles at the time. He and I were on opposite sides of the issue. After a lengthy, sometimes emotional, dialog, Merlyn said something that I ended up carrying with me ever since. He said, "We are human and therefore will never understand ALL the implications of this doctrine, but because it deals with people and how we treat them, I would rather error on the side of Grace." Frankly, I thought he was wishy-washy at the time. To me, the main thing was to be right. To him, the main thing was to be loving. As I have matured (at least a little) I have come to realize just how wise Merlyn's words were -- and they have shaped my life and doctrine ever since. There are scores of commands in the Bible that tell us to love -- in fact Jesus says love is the greatest and the second greatest commandment. I have yet to find a command that tells me to be right -- especially when that "rightness" demonstrates a lack of love to God or any of His creation.

On the last day of his life, Merlyn's hometown newspaper printed this pamphlet that Merlyn wrote about his life -- and impending death. He provides wisdom -- from the vantage point of one staring death in the face -- about preparing for the end of life.

I'm sorry that most of you never had a chance to meet Merlyn and experience his friendship. You would have been the better for it, as I am.

Please join with me in prayer for the wonderful family and legion of friends Merlyn leaves behind. They will need a special dose of GRACE during this time of loss.