Friday, November 09, 2007

Have I mentioned that the healthcare system is BROKEN!

Those who know me and have the "privilege" to hear me spin my many diatribes about various and sundry topics know that I believe the American healthcare system is SERIOUSLY broken.

Today I'm sitting in a hospital in Iowa with my 87-year old father and I'm being reminded approximately every hour just how broken it really is. Its truly enough to drive me to a "Jesus in the temple" type of rampage.

The bottom line is that there is NO effective communication, and it is very difficult to find a doctor who gives a rat's ass about the patient.

I could write all day about the experiences we've had during this one visit to the hospital, but I'll spare everyone the gory details. And they really are gory, both literally and figuratively.

Why did we ever allow doctors to treat us like slabs of meat? Why did we ever give them license to ignore our phone calls? Who taught them that they can tell us one thing, do another and be irritated when we ask why? When did their schedule become more important than ANYONE else's? Whatever happened to "Do NO Harm?" Why does a day of "care" cost as much as a new house? Why is it that people would now rather die (literally) than spend one more day under the "care" of a so-called "doctor."

Has anyone had even ONE competent, hassle-free experience with any part of the healthcare system in the past decade? Is there really any other reason for the existence of this maze of confusion and disinformation than to separate people from their health and from their money?

May God help us all if we are ever to get sick!


At 8:40 PM , Blogger Cindy Steffen said...

I feel your pain, my love.


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