Wednesday, October 25, 2006

At the Speed of Life

Though I'm far from old, (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) it certainly does seem that every year flashes past faster than the one before it. I'm in awe that we're knocking on November's door already! My mouth drops agape when I think of it.

The years are buzzing by and events too come and go at an alarming rate. Just in the past week, two of my friends have been in serious accidents. By the Grace of God, both will likely recover fully. One was in a highway speed accident (a hit & run driver forcing them off the interstate at high speed). The other fell 20 feet into a ravine during a hike in the woods.

In speaking with each of them following their respective surgeries, both recounted their accidents with grim, tortured recollection. In each case, they kept mentioning how FAST everything happened.

God lives eternally outside of time. Yet he looks into our time and says to us, "You are like grass, you will soon whither. Like green plants you will soon pass away." In another place, the Psalmist says, "My days are like an evening shadow, they quickly fade away."

Here's an exhortation for you. Discover and act upon your Heart's desire. Don't put off following your dreams. If there are things you long to do "some day." Plan to do them as soon as possible. There is no guarantee that you will be granted many days.

Are your relationships with God and others in order? Get them right quickly.

Do you think about changing jobs or careers? Have you thought about starting your own business? Do you long to travel? Retire? Move to the country? Tell someone you love them? Simplify your life? Change your destructive habits?

Whatever good thing your Heart is prompting you to do, I join with one of our time's popular comedians in saying, "Git 'R Done!"


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